Sound Alchemy
Crystal sounds carefully crafted to clear and alchemize by Tina Truong - Sound Healer, Intuitive, Spiritual Coach, Reiki Master. Join us for a powerful life force neutralizing and healing the multidimensional field Alchemy led by Geraldine Orozco CHT, NLP. MBSR. Intuitive

Crystal sounds carefully crafted to clear and alchemize by Tina Truong - Sound Healer, Intuitive, Spiritual Coach, Reiki Master. Join us for a powerful life force neutralizing and multidimensional field Alchemy led by Geraldine Orozco CHT, NLP. MBSR. Intuitive
On this potent day of alignment we will take a journey deep into our multidimensional field using sound and vibrational frequency to assist the body in clearing neutralizing and integrating fragmentation, limiting beliefs and separation
We will work with earth and cosmic energy to generate the movement of our life force.
Entering deep into the womb of the subconscious mind to access the neglected parts of ourselves that require nourishment, love and acknowledgment.
Release that which has not been let go for so long with the power of frequency sounds as we move through the light body.
The Alchemy of sound and releasing of blocks allows us to unify the internal duality bringing our shadows into awareness and awakening our true potential.
Enjoy an immersive experience surrounded by healing, light sound activation.
Located at the Beautiful and historic
Macau Cultural Event Center in Niles -Fremont
37695 Niles Blvd, Fremont, CA 94536
The Macau Event Center is conveniently located in the heart of the bay area
Access to Freeway 880, 101, 680, 84 and 228
located in Fremont and accessible from walnut creek, livermore, Palo Alto, San jose, Oakland and San Franscico
please arrive promptly there is plenty of parking across the street in an open parking lot.
Ample free parking
please arrive promptly the doors will be closed with no late entry or re-entry at 715
kindly note there will be no refunds issued if you miss the last call
room will need to be cleared at 9
kindly help us stay on schedule by gathering your items - please do not forget anything - we are not responsible for lost or misplaced items
During the meditation you may hear us tiptoeing around you please do not be startled if you feel either Tina or Geraldine as they will be bringing sounds to YOU.
Get Conscious Comfortably
Bring a Yoga Mat or Sleeping bag
Shoes are removed at door
No Coat Check Provided
Do bring Socks
bring Blanket or anything else you need to be comfortable and warm you will be laying on the ground.
Please try to be mindful of your belongings and of other travelers space.
Minimize and economize your space- everything should fit neatly within the perimeters of your mat.
The exquisite sounds may put you in a comfortable sleep No snoring is allowed.
please help us hold a sacred space
If your neighbor is a sleepy bear lightly tap their hand, gently and respectfully.
if you are the sleepy bear quietly wake up and rejoin us.
please restrain from speaking sound during sound bath.
You may choose to join us in creating a sacred space by filling the room with Gold Healing light.
Leave worries at the door, take this opportunity to surrender heal & tune into your deepest truth
this is a journey of unconditional self love and we are honored to hold space for you
Thank you for your light and for choosing YOU today!
7-9 pm PST

Sound Frequency
Tina Truong - Sound Healer, Intuitive, Spiritual Coach, Reiki Master.
Tina Truong is an intuitive healer and bodyworker born and raised in California. After moving to Bali in 2016, she rediscovered her gifts through clearing past traumas and blockages in her life. She has always been able to connect to spirits and deceased loved ones at a very young age through dream state and in physical. There was a calling for her to move to Bali to deepen her practice of self-love, to let go of old stories and heal karmic contracts.
During her YTT in 2018, she was called by the spirit of mother Ayahuasca during a breathwork session. After experiencing multiple ceremonies throughout the last 3 years, her psychic abilities unraveled tremendously. She had unlocked a very special gift she had forgotten. And with these experiences, her life changed forever.
Her main gift is touch. Tina is very passionate about intuitive bodywork and believes that physical touch is so profound for humans to thrive and evolve with love. She truly believes that this is the key to staying grounded. It is her specialty and she continues to share her healing hands with many people she meets around the world.
In addition, Yoga has inspired Tina to create balance in her personal life. Yoga means to ‘unite’ the mind, body and spirit. By reuniting the spiritual aspects of us to the physical aspects of our human form; it brings us back into alignment. With practicing asanas, breathwork, sound healing, positive affirmations and incorporating EFT (emotional freedom technique) – this can accelerate your healing to a brand-new foundation; a balanced and whole you. And THIS is what Tina wishes for everyone in this world.
DNA Activation
Geraldine Orozco is a Certified Hypnotherapist, C.H.T, Meditation Master
M.T, Neuro Linguistic Practitioner N.L.P, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction
Therapist, M.B.S.R. Qigong Master and owner of San Francisco based- Bay Area Meditation which offers virtual corporate meditation programs internationally.
She has 12 years of experience in the Holistic Energy Healing arts with certifications Advanced Pranic Healing, Quantum Energy Healing and Studied for several years under a Shamanic Energy Healer.
In 2013, Geraldine experienced a life changing inter-dimensional contact experience which resulted in the activation of psychic abilities of the multidimensional body and energy field. In 2017 Geraldine underwent hypnotic Regression Therapy. Regressions, uncovered a life-long history of contact. Geraldine utilizes her deep understanding of the multidimensional body and how life force manifests on the physical 3D plane. She is able to see experiential agreements of trauma, fragmentation, Akashic Records, Energy Stagnation in the 13 etheric bodies. She Created DNA Reprogramming a healing modality in order to access, identify, heal and transmute trauma fragmentation of the soul.
Geraldine now dedicates herself to the dissemination of knowledge of hybridization programs and the reexamination of the commonly held dogma of the human genetic timeline, historical record and advanced healing of the human bio structure. She is currently writing her first book. DNA Origins and the Human Hybridization Program.
Founder of, An international research and support group for experiencers and contactees of ID phenomena.
Co-Director of O.P.U.S –The Organization for Paranormal Understanding and Support.
Geraldine's story is now part of a 16 time winning documentary called ” Extraordinary The Seeding”
She is a Radio host, Artist, Intl Speaker and Youtuber you can Schedule a one on one session at