Humanity Unplugged - 111 Speaker Special
शनि, 12 मार्च
Intention The intention of Humanity Unplugged…Explore The Internal…is to raise awareness on subjects and topics of wide variety that are explained away as folklore, mythology or pseudo science and suppressed from the human consciousness. The objective is to prepare for the great shift in consc

समय और स्थान
12 मार्च 2022, 7:00 am – 17 मार्च 2022, 11:00 pm
इवेंट के बारे में
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Our annual equinox conference this year is with 111 angels over 8 days who will share their sacred knowledge to help pave the way to a new paradigm of Love and Harmony. We acknowledge we are faced with great problems, throughout the world and it is up to us to cultivate the change in perception. Now we must look upon each other as brothers and sisters as there is no more time for divisions among us. These divisions will not be our salvation. Let’s prepare ourselves for the Purification Day which is just ahead. Lets take the advice of our 111 angels and join together in Spiritual Peace with love in our hearts for one another, love in our hearts for the Great Spirit and Mother Earth, shall we be saved.
The intention of Humanity Unplugged…Explore The Internal…is to raise awareness on subjects and topics of wide variety that are explained away as folklore, mythology or pseudo science and suppressed from the human consciousness. The objective is to prepare for the great shift in consciousness that is occurring, accumulate knowledge, teach our star children and never again repeat the mistakes of the past.
What We Will Learn
Quantum Consciousness, Our Star Families, Ancient History, Lost Civilizations, Anatomy of Sound, Sacred Alchemy, Present Time Alignment, Functions Of Pyramids, Humanity Out Of Australia, Walk-Ins, Mars, Sacred Geometry, Ancient Mythologies, Antarctica, Ancient India, Channeling, Past Life Regressions, Holistic Medicine, Animal Communication, Intuitive Diet, Love alliance, Star Seeds, Indigo Children, Human Alien Hybridization Program…
This is just tip of the iceberg as to what our 111 angels will bring to the table to delete the falsehoods which we all have been programmed with and illuminate the truth and help activate the powers within each of us, join us this spring equinox for the mother of all downloads.
Yasmine YaicheMaryam Normani
Dr. Sasha Lessin, Janet Lessin
Constance Victoria BriggsOle Dammegard
Kathy MasonJodi Serota
Debbie Garcia
Grimoire Le Grande
Richard Patterson
Gloria Canning
Stone Hobbit
Ray Davis
Jon MayberryMichael Fugate
Tamara Richardson
Julia Stubbe
Lea Kapiteli
Claudia Thompson
Caroline Cory
Barry Eaton
Chuck Vanderbyl
Geraldine GraceRichard Gabriel
Michael Cremo
Cliff Dunning
Michael Feeley
Sanya Korlaet
Gary Opit
George Mitrovic
Farooq Ali
Evenah Johnson
Walk-In Panel