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DNA Reprogramming

EpiGenetic Psycotherapy

Geraldine Orozco 

Epigenetic Psychotherapist

Clinical Hypnotherapist

Speaker, Coach and Consultant.


Liberation through truth

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"I have been working on my healing journey  for over 30 years. having attended hundreds of conferences and workshops to assist in my pursuit of truth and spent thousands of dollars at some of the worlds most exclusive retreats With Joe Dispenza, and Tony Robbins.   It was with Geraldine that we finally linked the dots.  I found physical healing of my diabetes while discovering internal peace. Geraldine is a gift. The work is not meant to create codependency but rather educate and empower with the awareness and tools to heal body mind and soul.  She has brought our family great healing and unity. Working with Her was the best decision we ever made"

Blair M.  -    Stanford Medical Executive    - CA





in 2007 I founded Meditation & QI Gong Programs for corporate and private groups in  San Francisco it started from a small group of just  5 people into a group of 2000 before it became a company.

 In 2013 after major life events I was called deeper into retreat, Perusing unanswered questions about the nature of life experience, love and purpose. having failed suicide for the second time the spiritual jargon was not adding up to what I lived and experienced in the world around me.


 I finally came to the realization that bookshop cliches were not enough for me. I needed to experience it for myself to in order to verify if any of these concepts where applicable to our everyday life.  I began to deconstruct core beliefs and discovered a powerful connection between emotions and creation.  After 4 weeks I had a break through,  I started to unlock hidden memories of myself as child, being in the crib and my mothers womb, my fathers thoughts.


As I began to disentangle every part of larger circles of belief I could not stop, the truth about how I had come to be was painful until I realized compassion.  After 6 weeks meditating up to 9 hrs. a day straight, with no interruption. I began to recover memories of my parents, grand parents, great grand parents and then everything opened up. 



.......An insatiable yearning to embody truth and recognize source was born. I developed my vision in order to navigate my etheric body and worked even deeper into my ancestral memory. 


 A Second Opening.


One evening as my meditative inquiries had become more universal. I experienced a fully conscious inter-dimensional experience. This experience resulted in the full activation of the psychic abilities.  For the first time I embodied profound peace. 


My new sensitivities took several months of integration and practice.  I began to study and map the multidimensional body in detail. In 2017 I Downloaded information regarding the structure of the Universe and the inception of man, Universal laws and the nature of DNA in spiritual Biology.

I Finally Understood.

I surrendered to be of service and my life was Ignited......


I uncovered a Light within myself


Choosing love over fear guided my pursuit of truth in developing a clear understanding of human life through evolution.

Geraldine applies her intuitive acumen to teach how to heal and transform life from a foundation of survival to Pure Co-Creation.


Hypnotherapy & DNA Reprogramming


Geraldine created powerful tools that were designed to cultivate the higher faculties and empower humanity to live in harmony with all living beings 

as the



White Waves

Experience Geraldine

Meditation Class

Step One



A profound yearning for truth will guide you to peace and transformation.


Breathing Meditation

Step Two



Identifying the core belief's 

are at the root of


embodying compassion and peace 



Step Three





Consistent reinforcement of new neuropathways through the emotional body.  result in deeper more congruent structures of belief that are expansive and rooted in authenticity your life can now begin to take on a different form. 

one of pure creation and harmony  with all



What Happens When We Work Together?

Epigenetic Subconscious Deprogramming Deep Trauma Healing Reintegration.

  • Activation and training on utilizing the technology of the body

  • . I read your chakra system and multidimensional body to identify blockages, cords, contracts and fragmentation of the soul.

  • We identify your highest vibrational signature. (you will learn to use this)

  • You are guided into a deep meditation and regressed in memory utilizing hypnotic therapy techniques.

  • We identify the Root cause of the blockages.

  • We work with these events and heal cyclical ancestral patterns. and trauma.

  • We identify the lineage which holds these programs and deprogram trauma Accessing their grid origin on the plant. We release ancestral soul edits.

  • We integrate source fragments

  • We utilize A unique Vibrational Frequency to Heal your organism and reprogram your DNA.

  • The multidimensional body is then scanned to remove and clear blockages/entities, contractual agreements with illness and cords. 11. The Chakras are cleared and re-balanced.

Experience Profound Transformation from the inside out


  • Hypnotherapy is a gentle profound therapy which allows you to access fractal memories of your whole self.

  • Accessing experiences that are normally hidden in the subconscious mind.

  • ​  Regression can help you to: Heal current unresolved trauma access and heal childhood trauma that is not easily accessible. Reconnect with past life experiences.

  • Help you understand why you feel a deep connection with certain places.

  • Explore your past life and current Soulmate experiences.


  • Identify physical ailments you have, which may be remnants of past life experiences.


  • Explore unresolved emotions which have carried through into this lifetime, creating fears or beliefs which you have been unable to explain.


  • Acknowledge and embrace the key lessons learned through those lives.


  • Regression therapy is also beneficial for anyone who is trying to identify their direction in their life.

Connect with your higher self to access wisdom only accessible to you.

Embody The Intention

Lets discover together what keeps you in cycles of counter creation & Separation.

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