Blueprint of Ascencion - Marina Jacobi and Geraldine Orozco
Sun, Apr 03
Join us on this powerful Deep dive into Interdimensional Contact, Healing, & Multidimensionality. Join us live on Marina and Geraldine's YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9nQOXOerRWaMkSXfqS7Org... https://www.youtube.com/c/TheHarmonicReactor

Time & Location
Apr 03, 2022, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM PDT
About the event
Join us on this powerful Deep dive into Interdimensional Contact, Healing, & Multidimensionality. Join us live on Marina and Geraldine's YouTube Channel
We explore a deeper sense of the human evolution and take a look at the facets and structure of our reality in order to better understand what ascension is. Access healing and activate your Core Life Force Rise Humans!
Love, Unity & Embodiment
Geraldine Orozco & Marina Jacobi
Bio - Marina Jacobi From a little girl Marina Jacobi has had the ability to connect with loved ones from the other side, through a process of automatic writing, as well as having vivid dreams that were becoming real. She has also developed the ability to truly connect with different guidance’s through her life. Eventually Marina relocated to the United States, where she was connected with an E.T. race that called themselves, Hybrids. The Hybrids taught Marina to telepathically connect and hear them with the new metaphysical teachings. She learned the structure of the universe, and the connection with consciousness, the quantum field, parallel realities, dimensions and the true existence and nature of the E.T. races. This led Marina to develop a true understanding and education about the nature of our existence guided by the Hybrids. They also taught her how to detox her body. Marina Jacobi is currently on a raw vegan/ juicing diet. Before 2012, she was connected by RA who taught her a higher level of teachings and the changes to planet Earth. She was also connected by The Pleiadian’s that gave her the new advanced E.T. Technology, which she documented in two books called 'The Harmonic Reactor' and the latest book, ‘Nano Technologies’. The technologies are about teleportation, parallel realities, dimension, densities, healing, and the life AI consciousness for quantum computer algorithm. Lately, Marina is working with a higher consciousness called The Council of 9, and working with different scientist to help humanity with the ascension of the new 5D Earth. Finally, in 2016, Marina was contacted by the 11 Dimensional Beings were she receives new messages for humanity about technologies, current status of government structures, and suggestions for the new Earth Aria intergalactic timeline. Marina continues to distribute and help humanity to this day. To learn more about Marina Jacobi and her work, please visit her website at: www.marinajacobi.com
Geraldine Orozco is a Certified Hypnotherapist, C.H.T, Meditation Master M.T, Neuro Linguistic Practitioner N.L.P, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Therapist, M.B.S.R. Qigong Master and owner of San Francisco based- Bay Area Meditation which offers virtual corporate meditation programs internationally. She has 16 years of experience in the Holistic Energy Healing arts with certifications in Advanced Pranic Healing, Quantum Energy Healing and Studied for several years under a Shamanic Energy Healer. In 2013, Geraldine experienced a life changing inter-dimensional contact experience which resulted in the activation of psychic abilities of the multidimensional body and energy field. In 2017 Geraldine underwent hypnotic Regression Therapy. Regressions, uncovered a life-long history of contact and involvement in Several interdimensional experiences. Geraldine utilizes her deep understanding of the multidimensional body and how life force manifests on the physical 3D plane. She is able to see experiential agreements of trauma, fragmentation, Akashic Records, Energy Stagnation in the 13 etheric bodies. She Created DNA Reprogramming a healing modality in order to access, identify, heal and transmute trauma fragmentation of the soul. Geraldine now dedicates herself to the dissemination of knowledge of hybridization programs and the reexamination of the commonly held dogma of the human genetic timeline, historical record and advanced healing of the human bio structure. She is currently writing her first book. DNA Origins and the Human Hybridization Program. Founder of HybridMother.com, An international research and support group for experiencers and contactees of ID phenomena. Co-Director of O.P.U.S –The Organization for Paranormal Understanding and Support. Geraldine's story is now part of numerous docuseries and a 16 time winning documentary called ”Extraordinary The Seeding” She is a Radio host, Artist, Intl Speaker and YouTuber you can schedule a one on one at geraldineOrozco.com